
Présentation du Reiki

Retrouvez d'autres informations sur cette page : 
Voici une vidéo complète (1h20) qui vous présente ce qu'est le reiki, en quoi le reiki peut vous aider, comment l'utiliser, dans quels domaines il agit ...


Reiki Self Healing

Reiki Self Healing Part 1

Reiki Self Healing Part 2

Reiki is a gift from the Creator to humanity. Healing the body is only one of the many benefits that await all Reiki practitioners. In this self-healing video meditation five Reiki Masters joined their intent to create an instrument ofealing, peace and prosperity.

Watch the video, listen to the music and follow the guide's movements--and expect miracles in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

If you are willing to open yourself to Divine Love and Wisdom you too can be a Reiki Master. Visit for more information and for more free meditations and chants.

Thank you to Llewellyn and Juliana for allowing me to use their magical Reiki Music soundtrack for our meditations.

Visit their beautiful site at­-buy/crystalangels.htm




Approche complémentaire de santé dans certains pays, voici ce qu'ils en disent: 
Définition du Reiki par le NCCAM (USA) Etude clinique reiki et Alzheimer par l'IOA (USA) Etude clinique reiki et Alzheimer par Pubmed (USA) Bienfaits du reiki sur la dépression par Santé Canada (CAN) Recherches cliniques par (USA)


Quelques expériences intégratives du reiki en hôpital:

Hospice of the Valley (USA) Hartford's Hospital médecine intègrative (USA) Hartford's Hospital Cancer (USA) -Hartford's Hospital émotions (USA) Sarajevo et sévices de guerre (CEE) St Luke's hospital women's center (USA)Columbia programme médecine intégrative (USA) CHONY hopital pour enfants de New-York (USA)

Le reiki suscite un réel intérêt car il soulage naturellement. Ces expériences étrangères sont des pistes de compréhension et elles pourraient en susciter d'autres chez nous.


Je vous propose la pratique et l'enseignement du Reiki Usui 

Dans le système énergétique traditionnel japonais, le reiki est une vibration qui équilibre et organise les différentes énergies KI du corps. Elle soutient les processus de santé et d'harmonie, du corps comme de l'esprit. 

Elle est naturelle et n'est apparentée à aucune philosophie religieuse. 
Elle diffère de la capacité magnétique par sa dimension spirituelle. 

Que vous souhaitiez recevoir une séance ou apprendre sa pratique, 
vous trouverez sur ces pages, de nombreuses informations.
Je vous souhaite une belle découverte, et serai ravi de vous y aider.


Le Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho

C'est la voie occidentale du reiki traditionnel. Cette tradition s'exprime dans ma lignée de reiki:


L'enseignement proposé est progressif et est orienté 100% pratique. L'étude et la pratique personnelle entre les niveaux sont incontournables. A votre demande en complément du reiki traditionnel, je vous propose les initiations-outils et pratiques Shamballa MDH. 

Connaître par l'expérience et savoir avec le coeur.


La chaine Yvelines premiere est venue m'interviewer pour son journal du soir: accedez a la vidéo



Bonnie is a Reiki Master and registered with the Canadian Reiki Association as a Reiki Teacher in 2000. 

She was elected to the C.R.A. Board of Directors in 2001 and has held the office of the President since the year 2002.  Bonnie has faced many administrative challenges over the years and continues to work hard for the members in building a solid Association for the future.

Aside from her work with the C.R.A., Bonnie has a home based business and operates under the name of Soul’s Journey in Burlington Ontario.   Her practice includes Reiki and Reflexology sessions.  She has been certified with the Ontario College of Reflexology as Hand and Foot Reflexologist.   As well she is qualified to teach Hand and Foot Reflexology certification classes under the direction of the Ontario College of Reflexology.

Bonnie worked thirty-seven years in the dental field and enjoyed the one on one experience with patients and the staff, but she was pleased to retire in 2004 and commit her life into the healing arts.  Reiki open the door to many opportunities to study different styles of Reiki.  She is now a Reiki Master   Usui, Karuna, Seichem and Sacred Flame. 

Bonnie’s work in the dental field for thirty-seven years that gave her the experience of handling all situations in the practice.  
 with the public one on one and in a group environment.  In 2004 she retired from the field to focus on her own healing practice under the name of Soul’s Journey Inc.  Bonnie is a Registered Teacher with the C.R.A. and a  Certified Teacher/Practitioner with the Ontario College of Reflexology in Hand and Foot Reflexology.

She joined the Canadian Reiki Association in 2000 and is a Registered Reiki Teacher and became a Board Member in 2001. 

Bonnie Smith, RT-CRA, RRPr, OCR-RP
Soul’s Journey Inc.



Alice CreightonAlice is Reiki Teacher and a Registered Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association since 1999.  She has a home based Reiki practice and a Hairdressing & Esthetician business near the beautiful shores of Lake Erie Ontario.  

Her Reiki practice and teachings have included many different styles of Reiki which includes Usui, Karuna, Gendai, Seichim and Sacred Flame.  Needless to say by knowing all these different styles of the Reiki energies it has become an essential part of her life and opened the world to many opportunities.  
Over the years Alice has volunteered her time assisting the C.R.A. with Health Shows such as Whole Life Expo and at the Annual General Meetings.  By volunteering her time at these special events over the years it has been Alice’s way of supporting the Canadian Reiki Association.  It has also allowed her the opportunity to introduce and demonstrate Reiki to the public at the Health Shows.

Alice has experienced the self-discipline and the time involved to run on a successful Board.  Over the years she is aware of the diligence required to be an integral partner with Committees and Boards.

Her life experiences have included the position as a Chairperson for the Haldimand County Delegation for Change, and as a Committee Chairperson for the Elders. Alice is currently a Chairperson for the Ministry and Personnel of the church and on the Pastoral Relations Committee as a Representative of the Erie Presbytery.  She has been with this committee since 1998.   She has commented that it has been an interesting position going out to various churches to do Joint Needs Assessments and Search Processes for new ministers. All these position require the utmost in confidentiality. 

Alice’s work experience and ethics has proven her to be a committed team player and will work diligently for you as a Director of the C.R.A.

Alice Creighton, RT-CRA




Barb WestonFor over 10 years, Barb Weston worked for the Ford Motor Company in Prince George and Vancouver, BC. Barb held various positions ranging from inventory control to department manager. In 1992, Barb went on to work in the administration department for the North Shore News in North Vancouver. Approximately four years later in favor of being self-employed, Barb became the assistant manager of a rapidly expanding North Shore computer business that was owned and operated by her husband. Working closely with people in a compassionate and gentle way, has always felt natural to Barb. In January of 2001, Barb was introduced to Reiki for the first time. Instantly, Barb knew this was the turning point towards the beginning of a new journey in her life. In February of 2002, Barb earned her Reiki Master/Teacher Level Certificates, and decided to form her own private practice named "Inner Focus Holistic Healing" which is located in North Vancouver, BC.

Barb now earns her living as a Reiki Practitioner, Reiki Teacher and Ear Candling Practitioner. To add to Barb's "Holistic Healing", she has also taken Therapeutic Touch Level I training, which blends both Reiki and Therapeutic Touch into her healing sessions. Tools used in the healing sessions include crystals, essential oils and specially selected music. Most importantly, Barb works very closely with her Inner Guides and intuition. Barb has performed an increasing number of Reiki sessions for local clients residing on the North Shore and Lower Mainland, as well as clients spanning as far away as the United Kingdom, Japan and Guatemala. Barb has affected those by giving first hand experience of Reiki sessions, which led to personal training sessions. Barb is very passionate about the work that she does and is very humbled and blessed to be a conduit for this loving healing energy that can be passed on to those around her.





Louyse E. VigneaultLouyse began her journey with the White Light Energy back in the 80's, became a Reiki Practitioner in the early 90's and then Reiki Teacher in 2002. She has been a yoga student for over 40 years and started to do teacher's training about 5 years ago. Reiki and Yoga have been part of her daily life for many years and are truly what Louyse preaches. “Walk your Talk” has been one of her many mottos.

Louyse has many certifications and offers many workshops: Yoga, Pilates, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Stability Ball and many others. She works part-time for Good Life Fitness Clubs and Can-Fit-Pro as well as East to West Yoga and Pilates Inc. She offers Reiki training in GENDAI, USUI, KARUNA ®.

Her passion for Reiki makes her life interesting – she has many stories to tell about Reiki. Her favorite is putting Reiki on her car every time she gets in to protect her and others, and how many times she was saved from a car accident by using Reiki. She believes it is a great tool and that everyone should have at least Level One and Two to make their life easier.

You can read more about her biography on her website:

Louyse E Vigneault, RT-CRA 



Carell MehlCarell has been teaching Reiki since 2000 and healing herself through Reiki and other various techniques since 1997. She has been registered with the Canadian Reiki Association as a Reiki Master Teacher since April 2005. Her journey continued as an apprentice on the “Sweet Sundance Medicine”, a path of Shamanic teachings, from Sept 2002 through Aug of 2006. Sept 2006 brought her to the Institute of Shamanic Medicine to further her studies in the Shamanic Coaching/practitioner program. To deepen her dedication to helping others seeking a spiritual path of self governance, she joined the Rainbow Bridge Society in December of 2006 with a dream of creation; 32 other like-minded individuals that sit on a Circle of Law of self-governed humans. This journey of self-growth and enlightenment has enhanced Carell's love for Reiki to its fullest.

Carell specializes in the use of ‘Laying of Stones' in her practice of Reiki. The Laying of Stones enhances the healing energy that Reiki provides.

In Shamanism, Grandmother Earth helps us with our universal life force energy. Carell incorporates nature with her teachings in order for students to find their true essence with Reiki and how it flows for them, as she has found that each person is unique, with unique talents and gifts. Carell has added other modalities to her repertoire of healing and services, such as Hot and Cold Stone Massage, Raindrop, and Dr. Willard's Flower Essence therapies.

Her love for the holistic field has led Carell to the Wild Rose Wholistic Clinic and College as the business office manager for Dr. Terry Willard. This has allowed Carell to keep herself immersed in what she truly loves.

"Healing our spirit and bodies holistically is a gift we should never deny ourselves from learning or enjoying throughout our lives. There is so much information out there these days it is hard to know what to do or whom to choose, but if you really listen within your own heart you will know. Many blessings to those of you who have chosen to heal." - Carell, October 2007

Carell Mehl, RT-CRA 
KI Lifestyle Solutions Inc.


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