"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."
"La grandeur d'une nation et son niveau de conscience peuvent s'évaluer
d'après la manière dont elle traite les animaux."
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~
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L’aromathérapie vétérinaire
Chiens, chevaux, chats et animaux d’élevage en tous genres peuvent profiter
des propriétés étonnantes des huiles essentielles aromatiques.
Les effets sont immédiats et les résultats soutenus.
Anti-infectieuses et antiseptiques dans leurs propriétés principales,
les huiles essentielles s’appliquent en prévention
et en traitement curatif des maladies classiques et spécifiques des animaux.
Tout comme pour l’être humain, l’utilisation des huiles essentielles est un complément rapide et efficace d’une bonne hygiène de vie, d’une alimentation saine, adaptée et, bien sûr, des
conditions de liberté et de propreté indispensables.
En dépit de son extrême puissance d’action, l’aromathérapie n’échappe pas à la grande
loi des médecines douces :
“ une médecine globale ralliant toutes les thérapies naturelles ”.
Vu sur : http://www.vetoaromatic.com
C'est un concentré de principes actifs provenant de la magie
de la distillation d'une plante aromatique.
On sait que l’aromathérapie est l’usage des huiles essentielles aromatiques (HE)
pour prévenir et guérir la maladie. C’est une des techniques majeures de médecine
parallèle ou naturelle – holistique ou alternative.
Dans ce cas, l’appellation de médecine “ douce ” n’est pas totalement adéquate
puisque les huiles essentielles sont de réelles petites “ bombes d’énergie ”,
apportant des résultats immédiats et durables, à condition d’être utilisées
à bon escient.
Faire un copier coller de la suite de ce texte
et le remettre en forme AVANT de le mettre ICI !!!
l’huile essentielle, l’hydrolat (ou eau précieuse aromatique) sont les deux produits
de la distillation d’une plante aromatique, obtenus par distillation lente
à la vapeur d’eau. Les huiles essentielles utilisées en thérapie doivent être
d’excellente qualité, provenir de plantes saines, sauvages ou cultivées naturellement
et ne doivent pas être coupées avec des produits chimiques de synthèse.
elles doivent être présentées en flacons de verre teinté, conservées
à l’abri de la chaleur et de la lumière. L’étiquetage doit montrer l’appellation
exacte de la plante ; il est normal, également, de connaître la provenance
(lieu de distillation), le nom latin et la partie distillée (écorce, feuille, plante entière,
baie ou racine). Si vous le désirez, le fabricant doit vous les donner.
avant-propos .......................................................... 6
préface ..................................................................... 7
introduction ............................................................. 8
dans l’amitié des plantes .................................. 10
à l’origine de l’aromathérapie ........................... 20
un tour du monde des arômes ......................... 26
qualité des huiles essentielles .......................... 31
les grands soins ..................................................... 35
principales affections chez les animaux
et leur traitement ............................................... 41
propriétés principales des huiles essentielles......46
la pharmacie vétérinaire aromatique ............. 47
le chat
abattement, fatigue ............................................ 52
abcès ....................................................................... 53
accouchement ...................................................... 53
aggravée, épine .................................................... 53
alimentation ......................................................... 54
empoisonnement ................................................ 54
fractures ................................................................ 54
odeurs .................................................................... 55
puces, toux, emphysème ................................... 56
le chien
abattement ........................................................... 60
abcès ....................................................................... 60
accouchement....................................................... 61
(grossesse, allaitement, alimentation du chiot)
aggravée, corps étranger, épine ....................... 62
alimentation ......................................................... 63
amaigrissement, anémie, anorexie ................. 65
dépression, tristesse pathologique .................. 65
empoisonnement ................................................ 65
fatigue, fracture ................................................... 66
maladies bactériennes et/ou infectieuses .......... 67
pelades, maladies de poils et de peau ............... 68
pour avoir un beau poil ..................................... 69
pour éviter l’odeur fétide de l’haleine ............... 69
puces, purges ........................................................ 70
rhumatismes, paralysies ............................. 71, 72
tiques et petits « plombs » ................................ 73
vaccinations .......................................................... 73
vermifugation ...................................................... 73
en résumé ............................................................. 75
le cheval
en traitement interne ......................................... 77
en application externe
ou en diffusion dans le box .............................. 78
abcès ....................................................................... 79
affections diverses .............................................. 80
(allergies, anémie, coliques, gourme, kystes, tics
alimentation ......................................................... 82
(compléments alimentaires, problèmes de poids)
beau poil, beau crin ............................................ 84
dermatoses ............................................................ 84
douleurs articulaires, rhumatismes et autres
boiteries froides ................................................... 85
douleurs dorsales, courbatures, rhumatismes,
arthrose, arthrite, éparvin du jarret .................. 87
douleurs musculaires et courbatures
élimination d’acide lactique ............................. 87
l’effort de la course ............................................. 88
hygroma, engorgements, molettes,
mauvaise circulation
et récupération après l’effort ............................... 89
maladies de peau ................................................ 90
maladies du pied.................................................. 91
mammites ............................................................. 92
nettoyage du foie ................................................ 93
plantes toxiques .................................................. 94
stress, anxiété,
tics d’origine nerveuse,
névrose .................................................................. 95
toux et difficultés respiratoires ........................ 97
vermifugation ...................................................... 98
en résumé ............................................................. 99
les oiseaux
problèmes respiratoires ................................... 100
stress, anxiété, tristesse,
procrastination ................................................... 100
veaux, vaches, porcs, chèvres, moutons .......... 101
poussins, poulets, canards, oies ..................... 102
quelques trucs pour éloigner ......................... 103
où trouver ? ......................................................... 104
les produits naturels de nelly grosjean ........... 104
le musée des arômes et du parfum .............. 106
bibliographie ..................................................... 108
Kooperation statt Konkurrenz
Die Gemeinsamkeit von TCVM und westlicher Veterinärmedizin liegt in dem Bestreben, den Patienten so schnell wie möglich gesund zu machen und eine erneute Erkrankung zu vermeiden. Die Behandlung
von Tieren mit Akupunktur und Phytotherapie sollte in guter Zusammenarbeit mit der westlichen Veterinärmedizin erfolgen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass ich sowohl mit meiner Fahrpraxis, als auch stationär auf der Igelsburg nur nach Terminvereinbarung Ihr Tier behandeln kann. » Infos & Preise
Aktuelle Termine zur Akupunktur-Ausbildung 2013
- Informationen
- Kursbeschreibungen
- Buchungsmöglichkeit
- € 500 Bildungsprämie sichern!
Alle Kurse werden von Frau Krokowski persönlich als Dozentin gehalten!
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Spirulina, Blue-Green Algae and Chlorella:
By We are fortunate to have a wide variety of supplements available to nourish our dogs’ and help them to maintain an optimum level of health. There was a time, not too long ago, when the only types of nutritional supplements that we could offer our dogs were synthetic preparations. These chemical substitutes for the real nutrients in foods were popular because synthetic substances could be patented and earn the pharmaceutical companies huge profits. We now have an abundance of whole food supplements that can be easily purchased at most any health food market. Spirulina What It Is – Spirulina is a single-celled, spiral-shaped blue-green microalgae that is often called a "superfood" because of its nutrient-density. It thrives in warm lakes such as Lake Chad in Africa and Lake Texcoco in Mexico. However, it is found in many environments, in soils, sands, alkaline lakes, brackish water, seawater and freshwater from the tropics to the North Sea. It is also cultivated by artificial farming methods. Nutritional Value - Spirulina provides vitamins, many minerals, essential amino acids, carbohydrates and enzymes. A highly digestible food, spirulina is at least 60% vegetable protein, which is predigested by the algae. It is higher in protein than any other food. Its outstanding nutritional profile also includes the essential fatty acids, GLA fatty acid, lipids, the nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), B complex, vitamin C and E and phytochemicals, such as carotenoids, chlorophyll (blood purifier), and phycocyanin (a blue pigment), which is a protein that is known to inhibit cancer. The carotenoids and chlorophyll may also contribute to Spirulina’s anticancer effects. Researchers are studying phytochemicals to further understand their role in disease amelioration and prevention. Healing Claims - Spirulina is thought to be a very useful supplement for those with a compromised immune system. It stimulates immune system cells that help fight infection. It may increase the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestines thus preventing or minimizing infection. It may also be helpful in removing toxic metals from the body. It has been used for the treatment of anemia, high cholesterol, internal inflammations, intestinal difficulties, arthritis, gout, malnutrition, allergies, cancer, radiation poisoning, diabetes, liver disease, kidney damage and hypoglycemia. Its chlorophyll content has been found to aid in tissue repair for healing wounds and burns. In animal studies, chlorophyll has reduced the absorption of dietary carcinogens and kept tumors from developing. A human study showed that it helped eliminate precancerous mouth lesions. Your health food store carries many different brands of Spirulina. Blue-green algae What It Is - Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), more commonly known as blue-green algae, is an aquatic bacteria (cyanobacteria). Several companies harvest the AFA from Upper Klamath Lake in Southern Oregon and then sell it to natural food stores or through multilevel marketing. Problems? - The potential problem associated with AFA is that it may be contaminated with a neurotoxin and hepatotoxin. Some marine ecologists and residents near Klamath Lake say that the lake is polluted with agricultural run-off. Others who have visited Klamath Lake have remarked on the lake's beauty and how clean looking the water appears. The companies who sell blue-green algae claim to have tested each batch for toxins and pesticides before marketing. Who do we believe? With the current controversy surrounding the blue-green algae, it is difficult to say whether the blue-green algae products are safe. Just as with any supplement you are considering for your dogs’ diets, I think the best thing you can do is to stay informed of any new safety reports on these products. Nutritional Value - Blue-green algae, like spirulina, is nutrient-rich and highly digestible. It contains 60% high quality protein, carbohydrates, nucleic acids and enzymes. It is an excellent source of beta-carotene and many vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. Like all algae, it is a rich source of chlorophyll. Healing Claims – The benefits obtained by using blue-green algae are very similar to the ones listed above under healing claims of spirulina. Chlorella What It Is – Chlorella, a small, round, unicellular fresh water, green algae, is an excellent source of nutrition. It grows in fresh water all over the world and is cultivated by artificial farming methods. The original manufacturing process began in Japan in the 1950’s. However, a Dutch scientist first identified it in 1890. Chlorella tends to be a little more costly than other algae due to its need for special processing to break down its strong cell walls to make it digestible. Its digestibility is anywhere from 50%-85%. It is considered digestible enough for infants. Additionally, due to its small size harvesting requires centrifuge-type processing and this adds to its cost. Nutritional Value - Chlorella is a nutritional powerhouse. It is richer in chlorophyll than spirulina or blue-green algae, contains nearly 60% protein and all of the essential amino acids. It contains beta carotene, B complex, vitamin C and E, K, minerals, carbohydrates, fatty acids and lipoic acid. Healing Claims - Chlorella is known for its ability to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and detoxify chemicals and heavy metals from the body. It has been reported to stimulate interferon production and increase the activity of B and T cells, thus enhancing the body’s natural defense system. It may be helpful for treating fungal infections, such as C. albicans and other types of infection and strengthens resistance to disease. Many reports and clinical trials have shown that chlorella has antitumor activity against a variety of cancers, both in animals and humans. It may also prevent liver disease and regulate cholesterol. Chlorella can be found in a health food store in the "green food" area of the supplement section. Conclusion - I believe that algae supplementation plays a significant role in improving our dogs’ health, but may not be a perfect food for all dogs. Just as with anything, whether it is a food or supplement, you must determine if it is right for each of your dogs. An algae supplement will be especially useful for a dog requiring extra nutrition during illness or disease and those that are malnourished.
Vu sur : http://www.naturalbird.com/mcwatters/spirulina_for_dogs.htm