Evolution sur un mois de 26 poules pondeuses sorties d'un élevage
intensifs (élevage en cages, en batterie), oeufs vendus sous le code "3".
Toutes les poules sorties (670) n'ont pas survécues, 9 sont
mortes le jour-même de leur libération. Plusieurs ont été gravement malades par la suite, sauvées par le vétérinaire.
Toutes les survivantes sont heureuses aujourd'hui, adoptées par
différentes personnes, apprenant doucement à vivre.
Les autres poules (plus de 70 000) de l'élevage, non adoptées,
sont passées directement de la case "prison" à la case "abattoir". A cause de la consommation humaine totalement disproportionnée entre les besoins réels (si on considère que besoin il y a) et la
production d'oeufs.
Pensez à ces poules en
faisant vos courses : n'achetez jamais de "code3", ni directement, ni indirectement dans les produits préparés (Amora, par exemple, prépare ses mayonnaises avec des oeufs "code1"
: élevage en plein air)
Sauvetage organisé par Catherine et Henri
Roncier (Association Fadjen, taureau anti-corrida www.sauvons-un-taureau-de-corrida.com
), Isabelle Dudouet-Bercegeay (Association
Végétarienne de France www.vegetarisme.fr ) et Jérémy Le Bouter (Association Animal Destiny
Merci à Annie (Protection
Mondiale des Animaux de Ferme) et à France Bleu Loire-Atlantique pour leur participation à la promotion de l'événement.
Une investigation menée par l’association Mercy For Animalsrévèle la cruauté cachée des couvoirs : la mort par broyage mécanique des poussins mâles pour ne conserver
que les femelles qui produiront des œufs.
En Europe, comme le prévoit la directive européenne93/119/CE, les poussins mâles se font tués mécaniquement ou sont gazés. |
Thrown, dropped, mutilated, and ground-up alive. This is the disturbing reality faced by hundreds
of thousands of chicks each day at the world's largest egg-laying breed hatchery Hy-Line International in Spencer, Iowa.
New hidden camera footage obtained at this facility during ahttp://www.MercyForAnimals.org undercover investigation gives a disturbing glimpse into the cruel and industrialized reality of modern
The warm, comforting, and protective wings of these newly hatched chicks' mothers have been
replaced with massive machines, quickly moving conveyor belts, harsh handling, and distressing noise. These young animals are sorted, discarded, and handled like mere cogs in a
For the nearly 150,000 male chicks who hatch every 24 hours at this Hy-Line facility, their lives
begin and end the same day. Grabbed by their fragile wings by workers known as "sexers," who separate males from females, these young animals are callously thrown into chutes and hauled away to
their deaths. They are destined to die on day one because they cannot produce eggs and do not grow large or fast enough to be raised profitably for meat. Their lives are cut short when they are
dropped into a grinding machine tossed around by a spinning auger before being torn to pieces by a high-pressure macerator.
Over 21 million male chicks meet their fate this way each year at this facility.
For the surviving females, this is the beginning of a life of cruelty and confinement at the
hands of the egg industry. Before even leaving the hatchery they will be snapped by their heads into a spinning debeaker a portion of their sensitive beaks removed by a laser. Workers toss and
rummage through them before they are placed 100 per crowded box and shipped across the country.
The callous disregard for animal welfare at this facility is not isolated. In fact, the
conditions documented during this investigation are completely standard and acceptable within the commercial egg industry. Referred to by Hy-Line corporate leaders as mere "genetic products,"
these chicks are treated just as they are viewed as inanimate objects, rather than the sentient creatures they are.
Driven by consumer demand, the egg industry will continue to exploit, abuse, and kill day-old
animals as long as doing so remains profitable. Empowered consumers can put their ethics on the table by choosing kindness over cruelty at each meal by adopting an animal-friendly vegan